
Inspire, Collaborate and get Aligned

We understand that people play an integral role in the success of projects and that the level of an employee’s acceptance in embracing change dictates the level of success for a project. It’s not just your technology that will change – it’s your people too. Our unique tools and services that have been carefully crafted to enhance employee experience and support them during this change.

Our Employee Experience Framework (EEF) is based on Prosci’s ADKAR® change management model. You benefit from:

  • Pre-packaged, engaging project communications, aligned to your solution and project timeline, reducing development time and kickstarting your stakeholder engagement journey.
  • Instant engagement analytics that provide powerful evidence required to continuously engage, refine and focus your communication strategy to meet your goals, inform go-live readiness and enable targeted messaging to mitigate the risk of low adoption rates.
  • After your go-live, the correlation with utilisation statistics provides data-based insights into the effectiveness of the transition and informs reinforcement activities to ensure value realisation is on track.
    • Optimise engagement within projects for the end-user, make it more efficient for project teams / organisations
    • Measure every interaction
    • Pre-packaged communications for every product (including agnostic technology)
    • Aligned to our project implementations, and targeted to the impacted stakeholders
  • Technology is inevitable, your outcomes aren’t
  • Embed analytics to understand readiness to change
  • Establish feedback mechanisms
  • Redirect effort for maximum impact
  • Mitigate risk in adoption